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公益中心的建议 & 转介诊所返回Anacostia



Torts mentor Paul Cornini advises volunteer attorney Natalie Harrison

After nearly three years of remote operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, the D.C. 酒吧公益中心的周六建议 & 转介诊所恢复上门服务.

的建议 & 咨询诊所, a mainstay of the 公益性服务 Center’s legal programs serving District residents living on low incomes for twenty-five years, 从一开始就由面包为城市主办.  诊所 reopened for in-person services in February at Bread for the City’s brand-new Michelle Obama Center, 位于历史悠久的华盛顿特区阿纳科斯蒂亚中心.C. 社区.

诊所, 由管理澳博appAnitra Ash-Shakoor指导, provides walk-in legal advice to Washingtonians who have civil law questions but cannot afford a lawyer. February’s clinic drew in 38 volunteers – lawyers and paralegals alike – who assisted 25 clients, 他们中的许多人都有多重法律问题. 仅仅一个月后, 39名居民前来寻求法律援助, 标志着迅速恢复到大流行前的数字. 关闭前, 1,500 residents annually sought help from the clinic’s two locations in Anacostia and Shaw.

Judge Steven Wellner of the 高等法院 of the District of Columbia, 从诊所成立之初就参与其中, 参加了3月的诊所,以表示法院的感谢, provide encouragement and stress the importance of pro bono work to the gathered volunteer attorneys.公益中心执行主任凯利·海普顿和 高等法院法官Steven Wellner说
高等法院法官Steven Wellner说

“诊所s are a fantastic opportunity for any lawyer to make a real contribution to the public good,韦纳说. “It was a perfect fit for me when I was a new lawyer with an interest in pro bono service, 但不知道从哪里开始. 在最近的诊所里,我遇到了新的澳博app澳博app事务所的合伙人, 政府澳博app, 和个人从业者. There’s room for everyone, and I’d encourage any 酒吧 member to participate.”

Veterans and first-time volunteers alike lined up to provide legal advice for their neighbors in need. 罗伯·艾布拉姆斯, 盛德澳博app事务所(Sidley Austin LLP)环境法律业务小组的澳博app, 在参加了二月的诊所后很快就上瘾了.

“这是我第一次在咨询中心做志愿者 & 转诊诊所,但绝对不是最后一家。.

Abrams said his favorite aspect of the clinic was the opportunity to meet with clients who needed his legal expertise but lacked the 资源 to access an attorney. He also enjoyed advising in legal matters outside his typical practice area. 诊所’s mentor program pairs seasoned attorneys with specific subject matter expertise to advise volunteer lawyers counseling outside their normal practice area.

“我一直很喜欢在咨询中心做志愿者 & 咨询诊所,” said torts mentor Paul Cornoni of Regan Zambri Long PLLC. “我已经做了十年左右了, and it amazes me how much benefit the clinic brings to the citizens of the District of Columbia.”

二月和三月, employment law and probate matters were the two most popular legal issues sought by clients.


另一个菜鸟, 志愿澳博app欧文·阿古, 在Honigman LLP从事技术和数据隐私法.

“我在咨询中心的经历 & 咨询诊所 was extremely gratifying and I am looking forward to participating again,” Agho said. “我的澳博app事务所对澳博app投入时间充满热情, 资源, 以及我们生活和工作的社区的专业知识, 所以公司一直支持我参加诊所.”

Agho spent much of his time working with a client who came to the clinic with several legal issues.

"在我们在一起的时光结束时, we were able to prioritize her issues list and get her referred to services that would be able to help her moving forward,他说. “The opportunity to interface with the community and provide free general legal advice to those who may otherwise not have access to an attorney is an invaluable resource, and I highly recommend that other attorneys in the area participate in the program.”

It’s not just private practice attorneys who spend an occasional Saturday helping people in need. 美国公益组织的公益项目经理劳拉·克莱因说.S. 司法部司法救助办公室, legal professionals from the federal government readily volunteer for pro bono work on their own time and in their personal capacity. 


联邦政府的澳博app和澳博app助理都在咨询中心工作 & 20多年来一直在大量转诊。. “我们很高兴诊所又回到了人们的面前. 在诊所工作的人热情而鼓舞人心, 他们提供的服务绝对是至关重要的.  It is a truly satisfying experience to be a part of this community effort.”

And the clients – who often arrive low on hope with very few options – leave with a newfound sense of direction and are appreciative of the help of the D.C. 酒吧公益中心. 一个土生土长的华盛顿人, who found the clinic after unsuccessfully seeking help from several other District agencies, 表示感谢.

“There are a lot of people like me who don’t know the first thing about how to start trying to fix a legal problem,客户说. “我很感激我有一个可以来的地方. 我希望你们永远不要离开.”


D.C. 高等法院



D.C. 高等法院 Committee on the Selection and Tenure of Magistrate Judges invites comments from the bench, 酒吧, and public regarding the fitness of 22 candidates to fill two pending magistrate judge vacancies on 高等法院.
