成员的关注: 布莱恩·韦伯斯特

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作者:Anna Stolley Persky

布莱恩·韦伯斯特 美国民主党在全美50个州和80多个国家都有成员.C. 酒吧正在开始一个常规功能来介绍组成我们社区的人. 阅读你的同龄人,他们的生活,他们在世界各地的工作.

面试结束后,布莱恩·韦伯斯特坐在西雅图的一家酒吧里, thinking it was for a position in 华盛顿特区.C., where he lived at the time. 他的电话响了. 这份工作是他的. 他考虑了很长时间,但最终决定收拾东西,向西走.

今天, 韦伯斯特是华盛顿州微软公司(微软 公司)的一名高级澳博app,他对回华盛顿出差很有兴趣.C. 他在专利申请和诉讼方面拥有数十年的工作经验, 软件许可, and patent portfolio management.

韦伯斯特毕业于锡拉丘兹大学(Syracuse University)工程学学位和美国天主教大学哥伦布法学院(Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law).

How did you end up in law school?

I grew up in Texas and then went to Syracuse University, where I graduated in 1991 with an engineering degree. I had planned on going to graduate school for engineering, but then a friend of mine got a job at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 真正有钱的想法很有趣,所以我跟着他去了专利局. 我找到了一份专利审查员的工作,专门研究数字通信. 我想我可以暂停学业,赚点钱.

当时正值互联网泡沫的鼎盛时期,所以专利澳博app需求量很大. 我在专利局的一些同事晚上去法学院学习. They started getting calls from law firms. 我开始想,上法学院比上工程学院能为我打开更多的大门. So I went to law school at night. 我花了四年时间才完成,大部分时间我都在专利局工作.

What was your experience like working at the Patent Office?

这是大学毕业后的第一份很棒的工作,是一个学习如何成为一名员工的好地方. 我学会了如何听取同事的意见,以及如何欣赏工作场所中可能存在的不同观点.

The Patent Office was an amazingly diverse place to work. I met people from so many different countries and cultures. 我喜欢和同事们谈论他们的生活经历. 他们中的许多人来自移民社区,我喜欢了解这一点.

How did you end up at 微软?

Over the years, I worked in the patent field in the D.担任多家澳博app事务所的C办事处,包括Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Door and Arnold & 行李搬运工人. Eventually, I worked at what was then McKenna, Long & Aldridge, doing a mix of patent prosecution and litigation. 干得好. 在工作量方面有起起伏伏,但这在澳博app事务所很正常. As I advanced in my career, 我不再那么关注伙伴关系的黄铜环,而是更多地关注技能发展. 这促使我把目光投向了典型的澳博app事务所职业道路之外.

By chance, I got a phone call about a job at 微软. I thought the position was for D.C., so I came out to Redmond for a round of interviews. 我花了一整天的时间面试,然后去了西雅图. 我以前从未去过华盛顿州,也不知道自己是否还会回来. I figured this may be my one chance to see Seattle, 于是我去了两个最大的旅游景点——太空针塔和派克市场. It was raining and I was getting drenched. 我走进一家7-11便利店,问柜台后面的人是否卖雨伞. Everyone in the store laughed at me. This was my first introduction to the Pacific Northwest.

I found a bar and sat between two guys. The Wizards were playing the SuperSonics, 这些人告诉我应该搬到西雅图的所有理由. 在这一点上, 我的手机响了, 招聘人员告诉我微软要给我一份工作, but that it was in Redmond, 不符合D。.C.

I put off the decision for as long as I could, but then I made up my mind, 收拾好我的东西, and moved to the Pacific Northwest. 我开始在公司内部做专利准备和申请工作. 随着时间的推移,我的工作发生了变化,我承担了更多的外部顾问管理角色. 现在,我的工作重点是投资组合管理和客户咨询.

What’s it like living in Seattle versus living in D.C.?

I have a complicated relationship with Seattle. The region is rightfully known for its natural beauty. 然而,通常多云的天气与东海岸非常不同.

在创业公司的数量和亚马逊(Amazon)等科技领域的参与者数量方面,西雅图正开始与硅谷竞争, 微软, 等. 谷歌(Google)、脸谱网和其他科技公司正在扩大在太平洋西北地区的足迹. It is an exciting time to practice law in this region.

But there is that cosmopolitan aspect of D.C. 我想念你. 在D.C.在美国,你可以站在人行横道上,听到人们说很多不同的语言.

I have family and friends in D.C., so I conjure up excuses to get back. 华盛顿特区.C., 是独一无二的吗?这里发生的事情是其他地方不会发生的吗, but you don’t pay attention to that until you are gone. 在这里,人们对时事和政治没有同样的感觉. 在D.C.在美国,如果你和朋友出去,晚上总会有一些时间用来讨论政治.

You moved about a fair amount in your career. 为什么?

我职业生涯中的很多变动都是因为我想拓展自己的技能和知识基础. I always want to be learning something new and different. 当我开始对自己的工作感到舒适时,我会问自己:“我能做些什么才能变得不那么舒服??” Someone else from 微软 said, and I have adopted it as a talisman, [that] when looking for a job, “look for good people and a steep learning curve.”

有时候命运会介入,让事情发生,这就会成为你改变的动力. I have learned that it helps to be agile. 改变是一个尝试不同事物、拓展技能的机会. Patent lawyers can be risk-averse, 因此,他们尤其需要推动自己进一步接受新的和不同的机会
