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规则1.5(d), prohibiting contingent fees in criminal cases, does not apply to a writ of error coram nobis proceeding. 因此,澳博app可能会收取或有费用,在此类诉讼中代表个人.


  • 规则1.5(d)(禁止在刑事案件中为被告辩护收取或有费用)


初学的, 私人澳博app, 征求澳博app是否可以签订或有收费协议来代表某人的意见, 谁曾被军事法庭定罪并被释放, 为了使先前的刑事定罪被错误令状搁置,coram nobis. 如果成功, 个人将有权获得拖欠的工资和津贴,澳博app的或有费用将从这些工资和津贴中支付.


规则1.第5条规定,“澳博app不得为……作出安排。, 负责, 或者在刑事案件中代理被告收取或有费用.“对规则的评论[6]指出,这项规定延续了以前的《澳博app下载网》所规定的禁令. According to Ethical Consideration 2-20 of that Code, “公共政策恰当地谴责刑事案件中的附带收费安排, 很大程度上是因为刑事案件中的法律服务不会产生 res with which to pay 的 fee.”

Coram Nobis错误令状(Writ of Error Coram Nobis)最初是一种普通法令状,用于纠正法院在原诉讼程序中如果知道事实错误就不会作出的判决. 令状是在受民事规则管辖的独立民事诉讼中提出的.1 今天, 令状是唯一的定罪后补救措施,可用于在申请人被释放后撤销联邦定罪. 只有在必要的情况下,才会授予这种权利,以纠正根本性的错误,使以前的法院诉讼无效.2 Such errors include a violation of 的 right to counsel; incompetency of counsel; insanity or incompetency of 的 petitioner at trial; and a subsequent Supreme Court or appellate decision holding unconstitutional 的 federal statute under which petitioner was convicted. 换句话说, 令状只有在情况迫使这种行动达到正义的情况下才会被授予.3

For 的 reasons discussed below, we conclude that 规则1.5(d) does not apply to a Writ proceeding. 我们相信规则1.第5(d)条旨在适用于政府对刑事被告提起诉讼的刑事案件. 相比之下, 的 petition for a Writ is filed by an individual who, after release from custody, claims error in 的 previous criminal proceeding. 该个人没有被认定为被告,而是被认定为请愿人.

尽管在刑事案件中禁止附带费用的理由很多, and 的 precise rationale is somewhat murky, 我们发现这些理由都不适用于Coram Nobis诉讼. 通常给出的一个理由是,如果允许收取或有费用, lawyers would be less likely to accept less meritorious cases. 在令状程序中, 然而, 担心澳博app不愿代理刑事被告的担忧并不适用, since 的 criminal proceedings are already complete.

该禁令的第二个理由是,“刑事案件中的法律服务不能提供支付费用的证据。.”4 Even if that rationale were still relevant, 我们注意到,在军事法庭定罪的令状中,可能会产生一笔款项(欠薪和津贴),可以从中支付费用. 最后, 有人认为,在刑事案件中不需要附带费用,因为宪法保障贫穷的刑事被告获得澳博app服务. 然而,在令状诉讼中,没有这种请澳博app的权利. 因此,或有费用可以使个人在缺乏必要的财政资源时获得法律顾问.5 and a division among 的 circuits6 have served to muddy 的 waters in this regard.

但即使令状程序被视为刑事诉讼, 的 petitioner in 的 proceeding would have to be a “defendant,在我们看来, to bring 的 proposed transaction within 规则1.5(d). Although he was 的 defendant in 的 original criminal case, 的 Committee believes that, at this stage of 的 legal proceedings, 的 coram nobis petitioner is not a “defendant.” As we noted above, 规则1.5(d),按其条款,只适用于“刑事案件中的被告”的代理.在我们看来, 的 representation of an individual in a Writ proceeding, where 的 individual allegedly wronged, i.e.提起法律诉讼的请愿人显然不受本规则的管辖. Thus, a lawyer may accept a contingent fee in a Writ proceeding.

调查没有. 95-3-7
Adopted: November 21, 1995


1. 18 Am. 文书期刊. 2d Coram Nobis § 2 (1985).
2. 38 A.L.R. 美联储. 617 § 4(a) (1978).
3. 令状是一种重要的补救措施,因为定罪会产生某些负面附带后果, e.g., denial of certain rights (voting, holding office); expulsion from, 或者拒绝进入, certain professions; sentence enhancement for recidivism; and 的 social and economic stigma of a conviction.
4. EC 2-20,上.
5. U.S. v. 摩根,346 U.S. 502(1954)(根据《澳博app下载网》所有令状章节可对刑事判决提出质疑的令状), 构造28u.S.C. § 1651(a).)相关部分引用了参考脚注:“这样的动议是刑事案件的一个步骤,而不是, 就像人身保护令一样在单独的民事诉讼中寻求救济 . . . . This motion is of 的 same general character as one under 28 U.S.C. § 2255.” id. 在北纬505度.4. (当时,法院将第2255条动议视为民事诉讼.)
6. 在这一领域有很多诉讼,因为诉讼的性质(无论是民事还是刑事)决定了联邦法院适用哪些程序规则.
  COURTS APPLYING CIVIL RULES: U.S. v. 克雷格,907楼.2d 653(第七章. 1990),证书. denied, (1990) (time for appeal); U.S. v. 库珀,876 F.2d 1192(第5章. 1989) (per curiam) (time for appeal); U.S. v. Balistriere, 606楼.2216(第七章. 1979) (discovery); U.S. v. Keough, 391 F.2d 138 (2d Cir. 1968) (time for appeal).
  COURTS APPLYING CRIMINAL RULES: Yasui v. U.S., 772 F.2d 1496(第9章. 1985) (time for appeal); U.S. v. 米尔斯,430f.2d 526(第八章. 1970) (time for appeal).
